Author Topic: I'm super terrifed of making phone calls and I don't know why  (Read 1507 times)

as a kid when i figured out what a phone was i was always excited to answer it whenever it rung. I'd literally yell "I got it!" and run for the phone just to answer it.

Strangely enough, phone communication are my best, especially when leaving voicemails, but I'm terrible at in-person conversations.

I woke up this morning and I look like I went through vietnam but I'm back

oh good I'm not alone on the phone thing

i just have a stuttering problem so making phonecalls is pretty much a no on my part

i just have a stuttering problem so making phonecalls is pretty much a no on my part
This for me, I tend to stutter and it makes people on the other end of the like unable to understand me. That aaaaaand I'm not the greatest conversator so all they hear when I respond is usually just "yeah" "alright" "okay"

solution: stop communicating with everyone until you have no friends and your phone anxiety turns into crippling loneliness and depression :)

solution: stop communicating with everyone until you have no friends and your phone anxiety turns into crippling loneliness and depression :)
I already have all 3 of those

then you're on the right track, nothing to worry about :))

I can make phone calls just fine, but when i receive an unknown number i flip stuff.

I am the exact same way. I've gotten to the point where I can answer the phone if I'm being called by work, but when I'm anticipating calling a stranger, my heart races and I sweat nervously. I usually have to write a detailed word for word script with proper responses. If someone throws me a curveball question, I go totally blank and start freaking out internally.

I don't have any problem talking to strangers on the phone
what I DO have trouble with is speaking to people I already know on the internet :)
I don't even own a mic, cus if I bought one, I'd have to find a different excuse for not voice chatting with people without admitting that it makes me nervous :))))

when I'm anticipating calling a stranger, my heart races and I sweat nervously
I feel like this calling people I actually know

Yeah I'm the same. I put off calling someone about an internship for months because I was nervous.