Author Topic: New Years 2025! 12/31 4:30 PM EST / 9:30PM GMT  (Read 3060 times)

We've decided to change it. A separate preload server will be open very soon. There is nothing to do once you finish loading as you will be stuck on the loading screen.

The new opening time is:
December 31st at 4:30PM EST / 9:30PM GMT

Merry Christmas everybody!  Hope everyone got some kick ass presents this year.

For those who look forward to the annual new years event, we've got something great in store for you guys! As some of you already know, to spare the community from having to experience pirate adventure New Years for a 3rd year in a row (sorry Queuenard), I offered to hand him the updated version of the 2018 New Years build. I know this build has had both strong positive and negative opinions, but a lot of things have changed:

  • Build now contains a large central gathering area. (In front of the Madman Building)
  • Handful of new interiors to explore. (Courtesy of Jam Jar who has been working on it since 2018)
  • Spawn area is no longer on the airship, players will spawn
     around the gathering area
  • Several new pirate-adventure-esque interactions
  • Several outdated jokes replaced (I hope we got them all 🙄)
          - Side note: some have stayed for "historical archival purposes" (will not go into details)
  • Train track that goes around the build (just like in the previous years)
  • Clock has been moved from the airship docking entrance to the Madman building.
  • Several new unique achievements and chest locations.
Even though some of you might have already played on this map before, you'll see that we made a lot of changes that will offer a fresh experience. And for those who haven't seen it, you're in for a surprise (Though, it also has been over 7 years since anybody has seen it.) And for those who might remember us promising to release it seven years ago, I'll answer some questions for you

What happened to the build?
In 2017 when we started this build, most of the project was built by kobewarrior with help by Jam Jar. The project started pretty late, a lot of buildings went unfinished and some of the events we had never made it into the final project. (One of the events we wanted to do was a Takeshis Castle/MXC style obby minigame) Kobewarrior unfortunately left blockland shortly after 2018 leaving the project to Jam Jar to finish the build. Jam worked really hard adding a lot of interiors to buildings and even revamping some of the old ones. Unfortunately the VPS Company that Jam had hosted the server on shut down and a lot of the progress he made on the build was completely lost. He did have a back up, though a not very recent one, that I gave to Q to use and we've been working on it since.

Will it finally be released?
I can't answer this one unfortunately. We've only had about a week to polish the already unfinished version of this map. I was at first very hesitant to add the changes that was most necessary to Queuenard because I thought a giant gathering area would go against the design philosophy we had with our cramped city street aesthetic. After putting the work into it though it has most definitely grown on me and I think the gathering area compliments the build nicely without taking away the vision me and my friends initially had for the project in 2018.

So, is it finally finished?
Yes.. Uh I mean, no. Wait, I-

Look, from the sweat my friends poured on this project in 2017 to the hours of work Jam Jar put in between then and now, and the crunch and richard-aroundry I did in the past week, (Along with the help of Patyos and Rose the Florian. Thanks guys.) You guys are gonna have a great time.

Who's hosting this?

Why are you doing this?
I don't care if Blockland truly is dead, I'm not done with it yet. I don't think I will be for a while. I truly enjoy making stuff for this game. I still have Blockland projects I have on the back burner that I want to share with the community. One being a video commemorating all the wonderful people that played this game for the past 20 years, (which I will make a thread on soon because I need YOUR blockland videos and screenshots, but more on that another time) Maybe I'll finally host Floating City again in 2025. Who knows.

I love this game. All the fun, laughter, good times, bad times, heart breaks, friendships, nothing even comes close to it. I'm doing this for you guys. Love y'all, Merry Christmas. See y'all at New Years 😉
« Last Edit: December 30, 2024, 09:50:57 PM by Trogtor »

merry christmas and a happy new year blockland

always happy to have bl new years to look forward to

Hell yeah, this has been my new year's tradition almost every year for the past several years. I'm looking forward to that video you've got planned as well, I should get some of my backburner video projects going... but it's absolutely a joy to see this game retain a population with a deep love for it, and I'll be here until the day the game truly dies.

Blockland isn't dead for at least one day a year as long as these keep happening

aw forget now im sad im gone for the holiday season

in a decade or so eventually the recycled new years servers will outnumber the original ones

We will be using a heavily upgraded version of the 2018 build from "Official" New Years (not to be confused with "Actual" New Years as for that year there were two servers)

If all goes well, we plan to open at December 30th at 9:30PM EST / 2:30AM [next day] GMT. That is not a typo; the opening time is in fact a day earlier than normal. Since it is opening early, there will be no preload.

Use the CDN add-on to download all the necessary files in just a few minutes when you join the server. Using the CDN add-on will give you an achievement so you should install it anyway.

Select materials from last year:
My screenshots (there are other servers mixed in if you hit "next" but the last New Year's screenshot is Blockland_39405.png)

We've decided to change it. A separate preload server will be open very soon. There is nothing to do once you finish loading as you will be stuck on the loading screen.

The new opening time is:
December 31st at 4:30PM EST / 9:30PM GMT
Woops, new time

Thanks for joining everybody! Happy New Year!