Author Topic: When should I test for my Driver's Permit (previously bday thread)  (Read 1093 times)

Eat 10 pounds of Wasabi. It'll be a birthday you will remember forever!

Jk, don't do that. You'll die.

hap birth man

april brothers

Rats, rats, we are the rats!
Everybody celebrate in a birthday dance!
SPACE it's your birthday today, cake and ice cream are on it's way!
And SPACE you've been such a good boy this year, open up your gifts while we all cheer.

I can't drive until I'm eighteen though
what state are you in lol.
also happy tweetday

I don't see how this is stopping you from driving

are you physically unable to drive until eighteen?
three-stage licensing system beginning at age 15 years and 9 months for learner's permit, age 16 years and 6 months for the intermediate stage, and age 18 for full licensure. A mandatory 9 month holding period for the learner's permit stage.
Im not sure entirely what the intermediate stage is but there ya go.

I don't see how this is stopping you from driving

are you physically unable to drive until eighteen?
I technically can go for my permit, but I legally can't drive on my own until I'm eighteen or so

Open road.

Just pull on the side and cut the engine if you see any cops come by.

Open road.

Just pull on the side and cut the engine if you see any cops come by.
the forget does this mean?
« Last Edit: April 04, 2016, 08:44:05 AM by Donnies Catch »

It's best to practice around people so you get used to it. I was taught to drive in a somewhat calm neighborhood in terms of traffic.

Try going WAY of  town to where all you see is farmland, thin unkempt roads which are basically in huge ass squares, and little traffic

Im only 15 but I practice with my dad out here, its fun yo

The hardest part about driving is the traffic and interacting with other cars, so practice that.

Find a residential zone in your city and drive around there. You'll learn to interact with drivers, keep your distance with parked vehicles, and speed limits.

technically you dont need a permit or a license to drive