Author Topic: When should I test for my Driver's Permit (previously bday thread)  (Read 1097 times)

I turn sixteen today. What do I do to celebrate?
I like recycling old threads
« Last Edit: April 04, 2016, 08:31:11 AM by Space1255 »

drive my friend
drive until the end

drive my friend
drive until the end

I can't drive until I'm eighteen though

Happing birthday ya dringus

happy birthday loving cunt glad we share a birthday

happy birthday loving cunt glad we share a birthday
Oh damn we do

I just found out I'm the age of consent in Maryland now

How many hookers do I hire

wait 2 years then get back to me bby

Happy birthday kouhai!

I can't drive until I'm eighteen though

I don't see how this is stopping you from driving

are you physically unable to drive until eighteen?