Author Topic: Cataclysm: Dark Days Ahead  (Read 564 times)

You emerge from the shelter into the dim light of an overcast day, and look around for the first time since the disaster.
The world as you knew it is gone and in its place, a twisted mockery of all that was once familiar.
Everything was cast aside in that frantic race for the shelter. You have no food, nothing to drink, no weapons. Nothing but your ingenuity and the fierce determination to survive against appalling odds.
A grim prospect faces you. Perhaps worse even than the nightmares of last night, when you were tortured by dreams of the dead themselves rising to jealously tear life from the living.
You cast your eyes up the road and begin to walk towards a house in the far distance. Things may be bad right now, but you've got a sinking feeling that there are darker days ahead.
Developmental builds (recommended, most feature rich versions)

Cataclysm is a delightful, unforgiving, and deep roguelike game in which you play as a survivor of a biological-warfare induced apocalypse. The game is rendered in timeless ASCII graphics and will be immediately familiar to anybody who's played games such as Nethack or Dwarf Fortress. Zombies shuffle among the (sometimes ill-tempered) wilderness animals. Terrible beasts such as the Mi-go are on the prowl, as well as vorpal, renegade machines such as Chicken walkers.

The game strikes a fantastic balance between gameplay and depth. It is more streamlined and abstract than Dwarf Fortress's adventure mode, yet it allows you to build fortifications, farm, rig up booby traps and even entrepreneur  your own ride. Anybody who likes sinking their teeth and time into roguelikes ought to love this game.

This game is pretty spicy.

I see this game is probs translated to finnish? And not with googletranslate?

god I love this game

but I'm bad at it.

do any of you have strategies for not dying?

god I love this game

but I'm bad at it.

do any of you have strategies for not dying?
99% of the time unless ur kitted out really well its better to just run away from strong enemies or groups of enemies

99% of the time unless ur kitted out really well its better to just run away from strong enemies or groups of enemies

ah. yes. well.

wouldn't it be cool if this was multiplayer somehow