Author Topic: Civ V - AIs are starfishs  (Read 2099 times)

I started a game yesterday, had a really sweet start, at the corner of a continent with nice resources all around me. then my neighbor Siam forward settled me really fast and declared war on turn 40, and now its turn 140 and the war wont end because he thinks he has me, but I keep grinding through his military as they enter my land. meanwhile he continues to expand on the rest of the continent and I'm boxed in. such cheap stuffe.... i HATE this game and I hate history and farms and swords and horses I HATE that hsite I HATE civilization as we know it.
You're just not doing it right. He does have the upper-hand in the peace agreements, because he effectively starved you out of land and resources, even if he can't actually take your cities.

Research astronomy and navigation to send settlers to other continents.

Protip:  Unless you have random AI personalities on, a group of leaders will almost always declare war on you including but not limited to:
  • Montezuma (Aztecs)
  • Alexander (Greece)
  • Shaka (Zulu)
  • Genghis Khan (Mongols)
  • Attila (Hun)
  • Askia (Songhai)
  • Ghandhi (India) [kinda, he'll mostly just be making threats unless he thinks/knows he has a clear advantage]

Some of them are obvious but some are hidden landmongerers who are willing to backstab you to stake their claim on the continent.

Protip:  Unless you have random AI personalities on, a group of leaders will almost always declare war on you including but not limited to:
  • Montezuma (Aztecs)
  • Alexander (Greece)
  • Shaka (Zulu)
  • Genghis Khan (Mongols)
  • Attila (Hun)
  • Askia (Songhai)
  • Ghandhi (India) [kinda, he'll mostly just be making threats unless he thinks/knows he has a clear advantage]

Some of them are obvious but some are hidden landmongerers who are willing to backstab you to stake their claim on the continent.

You forgot Napoleon. God he's a back stabbing cunt.
« Last Edit: October 17, 2016, 02:48:51 AM by beachbum111111 »

France always backstabs and Germany is a massive cunt
aztecs are just plain starfishs in every single game