Author Topic: Reincarnation cannot be plausible with einstein's theory.  (Read 1204 times)

So Einstein's theory is that the past, present and future exists simultaneously.

One person cannot exist twice.

So if reincarnation is real, it cannot be plausible as you cannot exist twice. If all time periods happen at the same time then you cannot exist twice.
Which also means that when you die, it's forever. You can't jump from one body to another. All timelines are the same.
You're still only existing once, just in multiple bodies.
Even if you're moving from one biological body to the next, it's still that same 'living being', probably referring to the soul or spirit or something.

Whether reincarnation or Einstein's theories are right or not aren't the point here. The point is that these theories do not prove nor disprove one another whether true or not.

because you'd be everyone ever all at once
i hope not, i don't want to be jared leto

so can i be a dino or no

so can i be a dino or no
According to Tony, no.

But you can be whatever you want, friend. Whatever you want.

even tho einstein hella smart, he can still be wrong

If the past present and future are all the same and there can't be two of me at once, than who was I from one second ago? Was I a different person yesterday? Will I be a different person in one second from now?

This theory is completely contradictory and isn't even einstein's theory, its just a simplified dumber version of it. Also it's a theory, which means it actually isn't real until proven true... kind of like reincarnation.
« Last Edit: November 17, 2016, 03:24:17 PM by Perry »

Actually reincarnation would be possible because its not a break in life its just a continuation. A reanimation of an inanimate object