Author Topic: LoZ: Breath of the Wild is a mediocre game.  (Read 1184 times)

If you've picked up the switch recently you might've also purchased breath of the wild. It's the biggest launch game for the console at this time and i gotta say - my expectations were not met. I'm not afraid to say that i didn't like it as far as story, and no I'm not going to spoil any key plot devices, it just feels so half assed as opposed to other recent zelda titles. Gameplay wise there's a huge "press x (in this case, y) to win" approach to enemies now it's almost sickening.

I'm sure there are a few of you out there who might think the same already, and I'm interested in hearing your thoughts on the game itself.

I haven't tried it but i'm honestly doubting that is that bad.

Gameplay wise there's a huge "press x (in this case, y) to win" approach to enemies now it's almost sickening.
i havent played botw but uh, when has a zelda game ever had anything beyond basic combat mechanics lol?

Maybe mediocre wasn't the best description, average maybe? I mean its got its faults, but there's good things about it as well. I found the simple interactions with villages and towns to be a drastic change from the series. You've never really been able to travel and talk to people as much in this game as opposed to ooc or mm. The characters in this game play a more important role than the typical "ugh go fetch me this or kill that". There's a lot more visually appealing design choices and it feels like a living environment.

The game puts itself in an awkward position. It's like they went ahead and created this world without first developing a story, so everything plays out almost cliche like.
i havent played botw but uh, when has a zelda game ever had anything beyond basic combat mechanics lol?
I'm more or less referring to the quicktime event (that has no option to disable/deactivate btw) that activates whenever you sidestep a move, slow time to a crippling halt, and wail on the enemy without any repercussion. Even when I didn't want to use that event I was forced to wait because the game insisted that I was going to die without using this new special feature. And as far as basic goes, the combat is far from basic at least compared to other titles.

i've played it and it feels like a decent game to play around with imo.

So it's like the first game?

i have it and i personally think it's amazing imo

it has kind of a slow start but once it starts i found it really fun

One of my friends bought it and we all went over to his room to watch/play it. Looks great, fun, weapon system seems a little odd with the very limited durability, but other than that I like it a lot.