Author Topic: ogg files delete it self when i load them  (Read 2573 times)

The reason music works and other things don't is because if I recall, datablock names cannot start with numbers. All music datablocks start with music__, thus even if they start with a number, they don't.

if the file length is larger than 1048580 (1048.58kb or just above 1mb) it wont load it. i am pretty sure (although untested) that you can get really long lengths for very low sampling rate and bit depth.

if the file length is larger than 1048580 (1048.58kb or just above 1mb) it wont load it.
actually 1048576 bytes is the limit. made a few ogg files with crap in the header (actually just modified paprika - byakko no because it's the largest default file) and anything above that were ignored.

actually 1048576 bytes is the limit. made a few ogg files with crap in the header (actually just modified paprika - byakko no because it's the largest default file) and anything above that were ignored.
ding ding ding!

wait, this code isnt already compiled?
it is compiled - there is a dso decompiler that's been out for years (there's multiple of them now) that can make the code readable