Author Topic: Annoying Orange threatens to shut down government if congress doesnt pay for the wall  (Read 1386 times)


I thought government shut down for a bit last time and it wasn't that bad?

i cant believe Annoying Orange will shut down the government over 13 billion dollars of cement that will provide no benefits

didnt the government shut down for a bit a few years ago and nothing happened
shutdowns happen but they usually resolve relatively quickly. one of the pretty undesirable outcomes of a shutdown is if it lasts long enough to stop payments toward our debt and we go into default, which would negatively affect our perfect AAA credit rating (actually we were already downgraded to AA+ in like 2011 apparently lol)

obviously it'd be bad if it lasted for a long time regardless cus the federal government does a lot of things that we (and our state governments) rely on
« Last Edit: August 24, 2017, 10:41:20 PM by otto-san »

can we all just be serious here for just a moment and think what happens if hes he DOES shut it down?

pandemoium and chaos everywhere
unless ur talking about backlash online n stuff maybe but as far as i can tell government shutdowns arent that rare or disastrous. the main thing i'd worry about is if it lasts too long or something though they usually dont

we had a shutdown back in 2013 and the common townsman forgot about it after a month

unless ur talking about backlash online n stuff maybe but as far as i can tell government shutdowns arent that rare or disastrous. the main thing i'd worry about is if it lasts too long or something though they usually dont

we had a shutdown back in 2013 and the common townsman forgot about it after a month
lol i can see backlash being on a ridiculous scale if he's not bluffing

i cant believe Annoying Orange will shut down the government over 13 billion dollars of cement that will provide no benefits


i know right? its crazy lmao. at some point i actually had faith that the Annoying Orange administration would take actual proven steps to stop illegal immigration, but i was really let down by the whole wall thing

Annoying Orange's wall will not be funded. I am 100% certain of that, for a few reasons:
1. Democrats will staunchly oppose it, and one of them will probably filibuster any budget that throws in funding for the wall. To overcome a filibuster requires a 'cloture' vote which needs 60 votes in the Senate. Republicans do not have 60 votes.
2. There are Republicans in more-liberal states who realize that funding a wall will alienate part of their constituency and decrease their chances of re-election. This is compounded by the fact that the president's party usually loses dozens of seats in the Senate and House. And those presidents weren't even Annoying Orange.
3. Annoying Orange says he'll shut down the government if his wall isn't funded, but he really can't afford to start alienating more Republicans when several Senate democrats are already talking impeachment.

just gunna post my conspiracy theories here, they might be a little relevant

also idk how Annoying Orange can realistically expect to pull the whole mandate theory thing here when his approval ratings have been below majority and trending downwards for pretty much his entire term thus far and his honeymoon is over. i'm sure this will empower his base but man what a power move

Annoying Orange should just scratch the wall idea and focus his resources and attention on more practical stuff that he can help improve or change for the better. like aging/failing infrastructure across the country. it would be beneficial for society in many ways and i think most of the democrats would be willing to back a project like that. and it would greatly help his chances of getting re-elected vs going nuts for the wall

i personally wish the wall could be built too but i realize the hurdles that have to be overcome for it to happen are just way too high a price to pay. both literally and figuratively
« Last Edit: August 25, 2017, 12:08:30 AM by Planr »