Author Topic: Avatar Favorites Keybinds  (Read 3798 times)

A simple client mod that allows you to add keybinds for your avatar favorites. Keybinds can be found under the division "Avatar Favorites".

Suggested by Edd Eddington.



is this what people use to rainbow themselves

is this what people use to rainbow themselves
No, That is a different client mod.

i somehow can see abuse of this
other then that it's cool

i somehow can see abuse of this
other then that it's cool
For sure. I could see this being abused in Murder Mystery or similar games to rapidly switch in and out of a disguise to avoid suspicion or frame another player. I think it's up to mod-makers to prevent players from changing their avatar in subversive ways. in the meantime, I'm probably going to have some fun with this lol

On the brighter side, it should be great for machinimas (e.g. changing a player's facial expression) and general shenanigans.
« Last Edit: December 01, 2017, 09:21:19 PM by Platypi »

So apparently (and predictably) some guy already made an add-on for this. But the download link is broken, so I guess it doesn't matter.

This addon is pretty cool, you could potentially use it for RP'ing purposes, like, to look like you're talking, by swapping between two avatars with different mouths.

Maybe it's just me but this add-on is stopping me from launching my game. I've moved/removed it in my add-ons folder like 5 times now and I can confirm 100% this is it.

Maybe it's just me but this add-on is stopping me from launching my game. I've moved/removed it in my add-ons folder like 5 times now and I can confirm 100% this is it.
Well stuff... I guess I forgeted something up. I made a post about this behavior the other day. I wasn't sure it was my add-on, since the code was relatively simple. But I guess it's clear now that I'm doing something wrong.

To be clear, does Blockland seem to be loading the same add-ons over and over? If you would post your console.log from your Blockland folder, that would be much appreciated.
« Last Edit: December 05, 2017, 12:38:43 AM by Platypi »

Yeah it does seem to repeat. I attached the console log. Thank you for looking into it.

Yeah it does seem to repeat. I attached the console log. Thank you for looking into it.
No problem. I've made a thread in Modification Help.

EDIT: Would you mind testing a modified version of the add-on with the same add-ons folder? It would really help us narrow down the problem. If you don't want to spend anymore time on this, though, that's perfectly fine.

But if you do... Make sure the old one still caused the problem (in case you have since removed or installed any other add-ons) and then try placing this modified version in your add-ons folder. (Do note that this version of the add-on won't work properly, even if it does load.) Post your results in the Modification Help thread. Include your console.log as well.
« Last Edit: December 05, 2017, 01:20:40 AM by Platypi »

Your mod is causing console errors because you put a local variable outside of a function. The %i is already used while the game boots up so you're setting it again which is why it causes the huge problem. Please fix this immediately.

Your mod is causing console errors because you put a local variable outside of a function. The %i is already used while the game boots up so you're setting it again which is why it causes the huge problem. Please fix this immediately.
That fixed it. I've updated the Modification Help thread. I will submit the fix to Blockland Glass for approval. In the meantime, if you could test the fixed add-on to verify that the problem has been fixed, that'd be much appreciated.

Thank you for the insight, and sorry for the late response.

EDIT: Cowboy Dude noted in the Modification Help thread that the fix worked for him, so I'm going to assume we got everything patched up.
« Last Edit: December 11, 2017, 02:16:11 AM by Platypi »