Author Topic: Setro 2 - Total loving creep  (Read 10285 times)

how exactly is this relevant to this drama
this isnt about my face like god damn
why have you been trying to start stuff so much with me recently
1. tell that to every single person who has randomly linked to freeks dog or said "lol ur bNned from x nerd" in every single drama ive been involved in
2. comparison and silreath was confused
3. next you're going to call me a trolling habitual problem user, correct? by the way, geben asked me to ask what your fursona was (in which you replied this and asked me if i was a furry, showing you had intent to offend) and you thought i was trying to start stuff lol

Darth you seriously need to stop posting

Darth you seriously need to stop posting
Call me a hypocrite but shouldn't you do the same?
3. next you're going to call me a trolling habitual problem user, correct? by the way, geben asked me to ask what your fursona was (in which you replied this and asked me if i was a furry, showing you had intent to offend) and you thought i was trying to start stuff lol
uh, what?
I never said that the fursona thing was starting stuff, but I guess it's nature to say something totally random was starting stuff

its not even totally random
what? I honestly dont get what your saying at this point, unless you think I meant totally random as in you randomly started pinging me stuff, I meant that the furry thing was irrelevant from the starting stuff statement

Call me a hypocrite but shouldn't you do the same?uh, what?
brother this may be loving grimlock telling you to stop posting but he's not wrong, you really do need to stop
all you do is cause more problems for yourself and other people

can we just forgetin ban darth already

My sig is still filled with gifs people made back when I was roasting setro non-stop back in the day.