Author Topic: Conservatives and right-wing personalities are being banned from entering the UK  (Read 4452 times)

At the end of 2016 just under half the prison population was of a
Christian faith (48.5%) – a decrease of 9.5 percentage points compared
to June 2002. The proportion of Muslim prisoners has increased from
8% in 2002 to 15% in 2016. The proportion of prisoners with no
religion in 2016 (31.5%) was down a percentage point compared to


itd be really skewed a certain direction if it included 9/11 🤔

Made a really stuffty graph in google docs, but theres a reason it doesn't include 9/11

of course the inclusion of 9/11 would heavily skew the data. that's the point. in my opinion, you can't treat tragedies like 9/11 as outliers in statistics like you would in any other statistical brown townysis.
the data is still important, i'm not trying to invalidate it or its conclusions, but politifacts exclusion of the September 11th attack specifically is deliberate. including 9/11 would skew the data one way, excluding it skews the data the other way.
i've seen that statistic in a video before, and the video completely stuff on it, but i can't find it anymore.

in my opinion, you can't treat tragedies like 9/11 as outliers in statistics like you would in any other statistical brown townysis.
well your opinion is stupid. it is an outlier. if you really wanna include it, then there's a clear downward trend, muslim people can do no wrong

if ur a britcigarette go run around and call some muslim people goat forgeters for the lulz, see what happens

well your opinion is stupid. it is an outlier. if you really wanna include it, then there's a clear downward trend, muslim people can do no wrong

number of deaths from nuclear bombs since august 10th, 1945: 0

nuclear bombs are the safest form of weaponry and should be given to everyone and their dog. no problems here

number of deaths from nuclear bombs since august 10th, 1945: 0

nuclear bombs are the safest form of weaponry and should be given to everyone and their dog. no problems here
bro the point of the graph is to show muslim terrorism/deaths from terrorism is going up over time/as of late. if you include the outlier then its a downward trend :P

i thought you believe muslim terrorism is a problem/you have conservative views...

meanwhile the UK is literally letting in CIA members and housing them.