Author Topic: Modter 1/8th cubes  (Read 553 times)

Ever since Modter has been created I've found it incredibely useful but somewhat lacking for smooth inclines. I was wondering if it would be possible for someone to create 1/8th Modter bricks and their respective slope bricks? Obviously 8x cubes would be excluded because their height couldn't possibly be small enough (they'd be 2.5 plates tall)

(Example: 64x cubes of 1/8th, 3/8ths, 5/8ths, and 7/8ths thicknesses with all their possible slopes)

This would essentially double the amount of modter but if it was subject to its own tab on the brick selector then I'm sure it would be manageable.

In the end it would seriously cut down the amount of bricks in certain styles of terrain too.