Author Topic: save problem with blockland  (Read 1729 times)

whenever i save my game and the next day i load the save it always messes up.

This goes in help but I don't know what the issue is.

don't close until the "saving bricks" window goes away or else this will happen again

as greenbh said, you have to wait for saving to finish. if you click the x box that pops up, or quit the game while its frozen (which means that the game is saving), then you'll cut the save short.

thanks i will try to fix the map and i wont close the game while saving early

guys the glitch still happens when i save wat do i doooooooooooooo

Does the .bls/save have different specific addons enabled?

Post your console log so we can get a look at what add-ons you're running.
How to post console.log

If I didn't know how to code I'd go through an elimination process:
Remove sections of add-ons from your add-ons folder and relaunch and test the game until the problem resolves itself.
One of the add-ons in the last group of add-ons you removed is the culprit.

Please post here with your results if you find it.

This topic belongs in Help

Post your console log so we can get a look at what add-ons you're running.
How to post console.log

If I didn't know how to code I'd go through an elimination process:
Remove sections of add-ons from your add-ons folder and relaunch and test the game until the problem resolves itself.
One of the add-ons in the last group of add-ons you removed is the culprit.

Please post here with your results if you find it.

This topic belongs in Help

Quote from: line 10415
ERROR: ServerLoadSaveFile_Tick() - Bad line "" -52.75 -70.75 1.9 1 0 4  0 0 1 1 1" - expected brick line but found no uiname
BackTrace: ->ServerLoadSaveFile_Tick

One of your brick add-ons may be planting bricks that don't have a ui name.  I've no idea which one.

I'll make a quick script to find out, hold on.

Ok, here is the script:

Enable it, run the server, then after you've spawned, grab "Blockland/base/blankbricks.txt" and upload it here.

Code: (server.cs) [Select]
//Function which checks through the Datablock Group for blank ui names.
function findblankbricks()
if(!isObject(%dbg = DatablockGroup))
%fo = new FileObject();
%count = %dbg.getCount();
%db = %dbg.getObject(%i);
echo("Found "@%x@" blank bricks.  Wrote to base/blankbricks.txt");
echo("Found no blank bricks.");

//Hook for executing function after all bricks datablocks have been created
package findblankbrickspackage
function onMissionLoaded()