Author Topic: news rotten tomatos pulled a netflix.  (Read 1510 times)

great now i cant battle for the "truth" by brigading things i don't like with my group or 4chan virgins that dont like women superheros

I don't mind female protagonists. As long as the movies good and not by some greedy corupt company like Disney design to profit from 2 single franchises over and over again.

He's actually right, rotten tomatoes is getting rid of specifically the ratings on how much people want to view a movie because they felt it got brigaded by trolls too often and it doesn't really leave correct impressions either way

They got rid of the ability to rate your interest in seeing a movie because Brie Larson couldn't handle the fact that she has singlehandedly tanked her own film, and potentially Endgame depending on her character's role in it

Also it's his mindnumbingly handicapped representation of the situation. muh 4chan, muh misogyny, muh women superheroes, dumbass stuff