Author Topic: borderlands 3 'released' a few days ago  (Read 3393 times)

I have the game and it’s outstanding. I experienced some bugs on launch, but after 3-4 days I stopped seeing any. All of the backlash I’ve seen has to do with Randy Pitchford being Randy Pitchford(you know what you’re dealing with at this point), stuff that 2K did(not gearbox) or bugs that have been mostly fixed to my understanding. Lot of stupid opinions being thrown out by people who are known to be stupid(like in this thread)
I lost interest when I found out they sent goons to a random youtuber's house with intention to intimidate.

They also shut down his channel with false claims
That was 2K and not Gearbox. I followed the entire thing closely.

Gameplay: good

Story: Utter stuff

UI: Utter stuff


Gameplay: good

Is it though? These games never really had good combat, the appeal was more the game size and the amount of guns.

i still find it much much much easier to wait the little half year and get it on steam with probably a DLC out and reviewed already. i dont play or love borderlands for its story anyway + its also very easy to not get spoiled on any gameplay stuff if you just look away from any bl3 posts

Is it though? These games never really had good combat, the appeal was more the game size and the amount of guns.
Gunplay is great

im locking this thread to prevent discussion about the game as I'm waiting for the Steam release and am staying spoiler free, if you want to discuss the game with spoilers please make a new thread thankssssssss