Author Topic: non-doo doo fall damage  (Read 1489 times)

blockland's fall damage be like
onImpact > die instantly
can we get a fall damage addon that scales with your speed rather than 29tu/s = live 30tu/s = explode

i thought it did scale, just ramps up very quickly?

fall damage should be a reliable source of external damage. if anything it should be fine tuned to either kill or do no damage at all. the fact that you can sometimes escape death by crouching is what should actually be fixed

29tu/s = live 30tu/s = explode
so how much damage should 28tu/s deal? or 20? do you want to jump from an 8x8 cube and immediately take 15 damage? what about speeds beyond 30tu/s? should we survive a skyscraper-height fall because it dealt 99 damage instead of 100?

there's no way to change this damage without permanently screwing up the viability of fall damage in gameplay. it'll either just force players to take unnecessary damage from very short falls or allow players to survive normally deadly falls
« Last Edit: April 02, 2020, 11:31:01 PM by PhantOS »

the fact that you can sometimes escape death by crouching is what should actually be fixed
Surviving death by heights by crouching is actually there to make you feel like Iron Man

i actually really appreciate the survive fall damage on crouch cause there's a lot of niche cases where its useful

also, yes, it does scale up very quickly as phflack said. if you set the minImpactSpeed on the player to a low value you can see it ramp up based on fall distance.

eh i'd like it to scale the damage with a custom method between 25 and 35 rather than changing the value to make small falls hurt

just for reference that addon is like 8 yrs old and was my first addon so the code is ass

have it so all lethal fall damage just takes half of your health away but you can negate the damage by doing a ground pound just before hitting the ground