Author Topic: Ultimate....Big...Build....[Best Builders only!]  (Read 5117 times)

Well, I am not a really good builder but I can build pretty good. =) I can make a build right now thats not that big and post a picture of it right now, and maybe I can help =)

Edit:I was making my little arena to show but then when I was using the editor wand I wanted to strech blocks but they always turned out flat, so I cant make it =( Maybe I will try to make something else =D

make sure you have 3 dimensions, like 3  3  3

I could ask Copyman if you want him to help, but i dont know he would help, i could ask him.

I could ask Copyman if you want him to help, but i dont know he would help, i could ask him.

Thatd be sick ill be here all day

people always delete my stuff... now they have deleted it two days in a row! now im going to try hiding it in a different place.

i want to do it but i cant cause i dont have any pics :cookieMonster: