Author Topic: Server Trust Levels  (Read 7380 times)

RTB is an Add-On. It doesn't affect the version of Blockland you have.

i put it in add-ons but is dident work but other things workhttp://

I love this, now noobs can do crap that doesnt harm my stuff!

i put it in add-ons but is dident work but other things workhttp://
This works on your own server. You need to enable it and then edit the preferences via RTB.

Greetings, from the United Kingdom. You may have heard of us over there.
at first i was like uhhh were not on the 6th yet then as soon as i saw this i laughed a little

Ontopic: this is nice i always hate them noobs building on my server Dl'ed

very useful but the links didnt work for me.

Continue discussion in the new topic. The links there should work.