Author Topic: Commander Avionix Star - friend of Sound Spam  (Read 692 times)

Ok, so I was on Super Puppy's server to give him a lecture on how he's being a dumbforget.
Too bad he was AFK.
I left him a message with print bricks.

Quote from: My Print Bricks
I'm a Christian. I swear a lot. The world is not the way you want it all the time. So stop being a friend. ANYONE can swear. If you don't want to, then dont. But don't be going around lecturing people not to. You're being a friend. As Big Brother once said, "Christians shouldn't be restricted." Get out of Blockland please. Share your loving Christian fantasy bullstuff somewhere else. By, The[Chaos]Carrier. BL_ID 8917 Please ban me, I hate you and your spammy stuff server. Good day to you sir.
That was the message incase you were curious.

Anyway, heres the real reason why I posted this.

Commander Avionix Star.
When I was about to finish my message, he but a 1x1f near it, used a relay event, and it kept on playing the beep_checkout.wav sound. I muted my speakers.
Conversation went like this: (blue is me, red is him)
There's a reason I have speakers. To mute them.
He then spawned another relay brick that kept on exploding.
eat that filthy bitch
Still doesn't annoy me.
You fail 100%
not after this
He then spawned another flat, stacked one ontop, and put a baseplate on it to cover up my message.
Yes, I can make a drama topic, about how nooby you are.
ah im not interested ill change my name
Too bad

I also got his BL_ID before he left.
Name: Commander Avionix Star
BL_ID: 3547

Well, he does sound like an idiot indeed.

And all this happened just because I didn't say "Hi" to him. Jesus Christ. He said when he spawned, he obviously saw I was busy. =/

And all this happened just because I didn't say "Hi" to him. Jesus Christ. He said when he spawned, he obviously saw I was busy. =/
Maybe because he is a social Blocklander that is offended when people don't greet him?

Maybe because he is a social Blocklander that is offended when people don't greet him?
Then he's an attention whore?

EDIT: I greet people all the time. I'm very social infact. But I was busy, so I didn't say hi.
I usually never say "HI" when I'm busy with something. Unless it's one of my friends.

The only thing I find stupid is when people think they've won an argument by going "I'm going to post this on the forums, then everyone will be on my side! What a total noob, lol."

I'm not saying I hate you, but it kind of annoys me when people do that.

"See you in drama" is the stupidest comeback/something like that ever.