Author Topic: I need a hull for Titanic. (model request)  (Read 2115 times)


  • Guest
Hey, I think everyone has seen Titanic v.2 now. What I need is an accurately shaped hull with every porthole in place. I know this is a big favor to ask (I don't think Ghost will be able to do it). Thanks to anyone who may be able to help me with this task!

reference pictures:

a pic for size reference

another pic for size reference

the keel

image hosted by tripod


  • Guest
Ok...  this in no way is neccessary. I KNOW that some pics dont work, and your posts are not doing anyone any good!

I hate to burst your bubble, but the version of TGE that bl runs on only supports 9 convex collision meshes, so it would be nearly impossible.
Not to mention the amount of work involved.
IMO, putting circles on the hull would be a better solution.