Author Topic: Saying Lag doesn't make it better  (Read 2731 times)

i do it to hint at the host to stop downloading research and using a repeating explosion event such as

on activate self firerelay
on relay self firerelay
on relay self spawn explosion _____

i do it to hint at the host to stop downloading research and using a repeating explosion event such as

on activate self firerelay
on relay self firerelay
on relay self spawn explosion _____
That only lags clients, the server dosn't actually do much work as it does not have to render all those explosions.

That only lags clients, the server dosn't actually do much work as it does not have to render all those explosions.
Unless it's not dedicated and the host is looking at it.

Unless it's not dedicated and the host is looking at it.
Heh, every server I've hosted, and most of the servers I go to are dedicated, so I guess I overlook that fact.


People say lag to inform you that there may be a problem. If you have a lot of people saying lag IT IS YOUR FAULT. I find a common cause of server lag can be a vehicle stuck in a brick, which is something a host or admin can easily fix. And just because you can't "feel" lag, it doesn't mean it's not there.

i say it to hint at the host that he should loving quit minimizing the game to play on facebook.

The hosts of BL usually don't care much for the server. They only care how popular it is, so they don't fix the lag.

I say Lag to confirm to other people they are not the only ones with lag.

if i'm on a server and there are lag spikes i will say "there are lag spikes" or if i crash i will rejoin and say "i crashed" if it's lagging i will say " it's lagging." no, saying "lag" doesn't help the lag but it does help if the admins don't know about it. i used to be on a freebuild server and whenever it lagged i would say "lag" and the superadmin would go and clear some spam and fix it, if i didn't say lag then he wouldn't notice it. unless i'm saying "OMFGWTFROFLCOPTERLOL LAGLAGLAGLAGLAGLAGLAGLAGLAGVV LALGLAGLAGGALGLALGALALASAFAFA LAGLALGLSALGAL!1!1!!!" then you're just being a whiny bitch about it and if you ban or kick me for saying "there are lag spikes" then i don't want to play on your stuffty server where problems won't get solved...

That's a lie. Completly.

Gitcher shotguns boys cause we's goin lag huntin.

I'm still confused as to why people make it such a big deal to talk about lag and how saying it is bad.

Badspot created an E-tard filter just for this reason. The same goes for banning people who are annoying on your server.

Oh come on. Is it so hard for a computer to load a message that says lag? It's not like an event that puts message on the center of your screen that says a message!

Actually, that's plausible.