Author Topic: Suggestion Crossloop  (Read 636 times)

  • set up your port forward, If need depends or not
  • allowed Kalphiter access to your computer set up Dedicated Hosting Service. If you not need his help with your intelligence eough to set it up
  • watch the model (who can teach and show you learn how make a model of step to step
  • teach events
  • fix your blockland error
  • anything to help with your idea share with us

Welcome open suggsetion discuss here.
Q:What CrossLoop is?
A:Remote Access to your computer.

Q:what if someone try hack, nosey, etc... to my computer, while using crossloop?
A:You can cancel it make somone shut down unable get in your computer.

Q:Can I watch someone using my computer with crossloop?
A:Yes, watch the cursor mouse move.

Q:I want more know information ?
A:Below click Logo crossloop.

Click Logo CrossLoop

feel free feedback comments here.
« Last Edit: January 07, 2011, 06:25:18 PM by Furling »

sounds useful for if i'm showing somebody how to event

This would be useful for collaborative efforts on making an addon, or like what phflack said, teaching someone.

Theres what I consider to be an easier alternative named teamviewer.

Theres what I consider to be an easier alternative named teamviewer.
I was gonna say that too.

Welcome open suggsetion discuss here.
Q:What CrossLoop is?
A:Remote Access to your computer.

Q:what if someone try hack, nosey, etc... to my computer, while using crossloop?
A:You can cancel it make somone shut down unable get in your computer.

Q:Can I watch someone using my computer with crossloop?
A:Yes, watch the cursor mouse move.

Q:I want more know about FAQ and information ?
A:Below click Logo crossloop.

I wonder if anyone actually asked these questions or if he just typed them out.
Its really tacky..

Hello, please I want more know information!
Understand I this not is what?

i guess there's also mikogo, which is screensharing

i guess there's also mikogo, which is screensharing
that cool, I'll try it someday.