Author Topic: Flatshading in milkshape  (Read 700 times)

Hi. So i need help flatshading in milkshape. Its probably a dumb question but i cant figure it out. I asked Uxie, Barakuda, and i looked at two tutorials. This is what i did:

Selected the whole model
Group > Checked auto smooth
Vertex > Unweld
Group > Unchecked auto smooth
Vertex > Weld Together

What am i doing wrong? Can someone please tell me.

Hi. So i need help flatshading in milkshape. Its probably a dumb question but i cant figure it out. I asked Uxie, Barakuda, and i looked at two tutorials. This is what i did:

Selected the whole model
Group > Checked auto smooth
Vertex > Unweld
Group > Unchecked auto smooth
Vertex > Weld Together

What am i doing wrong? Can someone please tell me.

Selected the whole model
Group > Checked auto smooth
Vertex > Unweld
Group > Unchecked auto smooth
Vertex > Weld Together
A) Make sure you a viewing it in 'Textured' view.
B) If you want it to be flatshaded in game:

Group > Checked auto smooth
Vertex > Unweld
Tools > Tile Texture Mapper > Check 'Cubic' > OK
Group > Unchecked auto smooth
Vertex > Weld Together

Did it work for you?
Yes. Khoz summarized my link, listen to him.