Author Topic: My Duke Nukem Forever crashed twice in one day, is this an issue?  (Read 647 times)

I've played this game on hard from start to finish with no problems. I've played the multiplayer hundreds of times with no problem. So I started insane mode a few days ago. The first time I've crashed was when I was driving a forklift and I died while driving it. The second time I crashed was in the first underwater section, after you open the valve door. I crashed when I touched the first air pipe.

I never crashed before so crashing twice on the same day must be a sign of an issue, has anyone else had these kinds of problems?
« Last Edit: July 09, 2011, 02:34:08 AM by Lørd Tøny »

What type of ps3 is it? The old 80gb or the new slim?

What type of ps3 is it? The old 80gb or the new slim?
He could of played on Xbox
Or a computer
or something..
But it was probably on PS3 so I'll be quiet

What type of ps3 is it? The old 80gb or the new slim?

160GB fat PS3.

160GB fat PS3.
How long have you had it for? Usually older models are close to the Yellow Light Of Death when they crash alot in a short time. (Like mine :c)

How long have you had it for? Usually older models are close to the Yellow Light Of Death when they crash alot in a short time. (Like mine :c)

2009 or 2008 and I bought it used on ebay so it was probably used even longer than that.

It could just be the game itself.

It could just be the game itself.
Possibly look for scratches. If it seems fine try playing again or a different game.

Possibly look for scratches. If it seems fine try playing again or a different game.

There is no scratches.

There is no scratches.
try different games and see if they crash.

The problem is you're playing Duke Nukem Forever

The problem is you're playing Duke Nukem Forever

Nope, I like the game.