Author Topic: Quick new Vegas question  (Read 363 times)

So, after installing Fallout New Vegas, I just started it up. For fifteen minutes it has been at a black screen, with the little spinny windows 7 cursor in the middle. The game is set to settings my computer can handle, but it doesn't crash. It's just stuck like this. Anyone know how to fix this?

graphics card

2 easy words

graphics card

2 easy words
I've got a decent NVIDIA card, it could handle Fallout 3 100+ fps on highest settings no problem.

Can yours handle Portal 2/MW3 on all high settings? with 700 FPS? mine can but if its not that idk

Can yours handle Portal 2/MW3 on all high settings? with 700 FPS? mine can but if its not that idk
mine can handle portal 2/mw3 just fine, both around 100 again.

Nvm, fixed it, simple settings error.