Author Topic: Horde mode  (Read 511 times)

Two zombie mods.
Two TDM mods.
stuffloads of weapons.
Let us fill this gap.
It could be moddeled off T+T and Slayer.
Here's the ranks of enemy.

Grunt(uses a random SMG)
Officer(More health, uses a random AR)
Sniper(Health is in between grunt and officer, uses a random sniper rifle)
Riot officer(Has the same health as a grunt, but he has a riot sheild that he can also shoot from behind with a pepperbox.)
Engineer(Has the same health as a sniper, but can pop a turret to annoy you. Uses a magnum pistol.)
Ninja(Has the same health has a sniper, but is faster and uses a katana or combat knife. Can also cloak when low on health. could it be possible to program it to team up with snipers?)
Mech(The "big bad" as it were - A forget ton of health, and has guns and rockets.)

You can also set waves. The amount of waves determines when enemies appear in what quantity. say, in a 10 wave game, Ninjas would appear at wave 7, for example.
Difficulty is another option. If it's higher, harder enemies will spawn earlier and more frequently.
Another option is "supply drop" - When an enemy dies, there's a chance that it will drop rocket/grenade launcher ammo, or just grenades. The harder the enemy is, the higher chance of a drop.
Spawning works like the zombie mod - Enemies spawn from pre-placed special spawns. Apart from the mech. That has it's own spawn. also, instead of just appearing, it could probably play a "teleporting" animation or could drop from the sky.

« Last Edit: February 24, 2012, 06:12:26 PM by Mecha »