Author Topic: How many pages did you find the first time you played slender?  (Read 2860 times)

1, I couldn't find them :|

The game was terrible.
To easy.

5, without any difficulty what-so-ever. The only reason I stopped at 5 was because hitting esc doesn't pause, instead, ends the game.

Never playing again. Way too boring and slow.

three, then i never played again because it's boring as forget and not scary

4, I did find it scary.
 *turn around* ok hes gone
   *turn around* *screen slowly fizzes* uh oh hes coming
    *turn around* *slenderman is half behind a tree 8 feet away* ASDFGH *sprint*
      *turn around* ok hes gone.
     ∞repeat until death∞

Anyone with rookie level reflexes and reaction time can avoid slenderman.

The only issue is that your character is slow as all forget and you're walking through a dark, empty place looking for pieces of paper.

Oh, and 'sprinting' (or as I call it, speed walking) lowers your flashlight so you can't see stuff.

He doesn't appear unless you find atleast 1.
If you wait around for long enough he'll spawn anyways.
Don't play bad games.