Author Topic: do you have a criminal record  (Read 1460 times)

3rd degree burglary (dropping to a trespassing)
Possession of alcohol > 18 (Without any solid proof they have to drop it, they dropped it for my cousin who already went to court twice over it)


Don't be stupid kids..

Potentially yes, I may be charged with loitering and trespassing.
I made out with my gf (ex now) in a parking garage, and it turns out my local police use it for their cruisers. Her parents kicked her ass down the block and back, mine laughed and told me to not worry.

But I don't think I have that on my record, the officer only asked for my name and called my parents, nothing more. Looking back on it that's probably the 3rd biggest yet really unimportant mistake I've made.

oh and I shot an orphan in a crowded theater after yelling 'fire!' whilst Serving alcohol at a bingo game.

(last part is illegal in my state, :cookie: if you guess it right)