Author Topic: Cities XL 2012  (Read 2116 times)

Simcity 4 I haven't really tried yet, mostly because of its stable-angle isometric view. I like my buildings not so gridded. What's it like?

I think i recall owning some expansion pack that included a whole bunch of versions of sim city, It's basically this city building game, Which actually seems like it has more features then this, You can do things like place down large buildings from a variety, And you can choose amazing climates, The game overall has lots of features.

Wish simcity 5 instead, it's better imo. To come. I can't run it, gosh darn it.

SimCity 5 is a good idea made badly.
SimCity 5 takes the place of a toy city with macro shaders, you can't run big cities either.
Screw that.

At least the gameplay seems promising.

Don't own this, probably will buy at Christmas Sale.

Some things I take from games like these.

Cities XL is more about infrastructure.
Tropico is more about your citizens and economy.
SimCity, i have no clue because I've never played it or tried to do anything with it.

Simcity 4 is quite old, but is very smooth, and its music is candy to the ears.

sim city 4 is like the bread and butter of city simulation games. it is good in all areas.

some games go outstanding in some areas and lack in others, which is what happens in cities (i've never played tropico though it sounds fun)

Cities XL had a great idea about it but ultimately the execution was absolutely stuffty.  The game, as far as I hear, still has a crippling memory leak and still doesn't support multicores.  The 2011/2012 versions are... idk what they even are.

As far as I remember from CXL though I heavily enjoyed the new design.  Especially with the terrain, which was super realistic, and curved bridges holy stuff it looks great.  The only problem was that progressing through the game required me to be CONSTANTLY MOVING.  You can NOT stop and smell the flowers as far as I remembered.  You had to keep building and building and building in order to continue creating revenue.  It was horrible.  I stopped for 10 minutes and my revenue began to decline because apparently the only thing bringing in revenue was the purchase of lots and the migration of people to my city.  Revenue plummeted and my finances were ruined even as I frantically laid out new plots of things.

This was all in the first XL mind you, idk if it changed since.  Since then I've just moved it to my "stuff" category at the bottom of my games list and played Simcity 4 instead.

Simcity 4 impressions:
Okay graphics
Big cities are laggy as loving stuff
A bit cruddy controlling
NOT ABLE TO SPIN BUILDINGS HOLY stuff, what if I wanted that port SIDEWAYS?
A nice game overall, but at least for me it gets boring pretty fast.

Also, you're right about the 'KEEP ON MOVIN MATHAFAKR' thing on citiesxl - I was doing quite well, my revenue was positive, so I stopped for a bit and let it run for a few minutes while going to the toilet. "What could go wrong?" When I came back, everything that could go wrong did. My revenue was 5000 negative, traffic was horrid, people wanted more lots and workplaces, etc.

There needs to be a game like simcity 4 made in the same way - but instead of building the cities, you're a big bad villain trying to use your super machinery, tech and soldiers to DESTROY THE WORLD.

Although, I'm thinking of sim city societies.

Does no one here play Tropico?

Tropico 4 is a jewel. Especially w/ Modern Times expansion.

Simcity 4 impressions:
Okay graphics
Big cities are laggy as loving stuff
A bit cruddy controlling
NOT ABLE TO SPIN BUILDINGS HOLY stuff, what if I wanted that port SIDEWAYS?
A nice game overall, but at least for me it gets boring pretty fast.
As far as graphics, the game was made quite a long time ago.  So long ago that it ran pretty well on my old Dell Latitude, which was really stuffty.
The game's also heavy unoptimized, and runs only best if you force it to use only two cores (which I did), even then it's still pretty dodgy.  It's just still got a few holes in it.  Camera controls are affected by low framerates too, but they could be a bit better.
The only way to spin buildings is just have a single road and manipulate the building as such.  Things like beaches/ports can't really be sideways so...

Just some informational response ~
I enjoy it too, at least more so than Cities XL because at least I can catch my breath.

Although, I'm thinking of sim city societies.
let me sum it up for you:  no.

Tropico 4: nop can't run
Simcity 5: nop bro
CitiesXL 2012 - kish