Author Topic: Farcry 3  (Read 813 times)

This game is amazing, I wanted to get it cause I thought it looked alright, but when i started playing I was thankfully surprised.

This definitely wins for my game of the year. Both the single player and coop multiplayer are awesome. Me and a couple friends stayed up till like 2 in the morning playing the coop when we weren't really even planning on playing for long.
The single player is really cool and the island is loving beautiful. The characters you meet in the game all have a rich personality,  Vaas is especially hilarious and crazy. I can see myself pouring hours into this just exploring underwater caves and hunting down animals.
I haven't tried any of the competitive multiplayer, but I imagine its fun, though judging by how great the single player and coop modes are, the competitive multi is probably lacking in some areas, which is understandable. I don't normally like competitive multiplayer games anyway.

The Farcry series is one that has flown under my radar up until now, and I'm glad that I've found and embraced this game.

Discuss this great game.

I just got it for ps3. The map editor is also pretty sweet.

Amazing got it for PS3 map editor is fun to mess with, but I want the PC version so you can have unlimited AI and builds.

Pretty sure that there's a space between far and cry.

The game mechanics are loving beautiful and amazing, but the full storyline was a pretty huge let down.  Not to mention once all outposts and radio towers are complete, there isn't really much left to do in the game other than hunt (useless), or do random challenges which will also eventually run out.