Author Topic: Glass?  (Read 4182 times)

he has gotten banned more times than you can count on your fingers and toes
I think somewhere near 26. Considering a few of my forum alts got banned as well.

This is bannable.

Saying you don't care to a post is not bannable.

About two years ago I joined a freebuild hosted by someone named Moby1997. We became good friends and got

Moby is Glass??

Didn't we work on a clan together for a while or am I thinking of someone else?


Moby is Glass??

Didn't we work on a clan together for a while or am I thinking of someone else?
My god, you are late.

Moby is Glass??
dude, you are so late, that it's not even funny.

My god, you are late.
I was actually going to post again after I did a search and realized how late I was, but I don't think it would have made me look any better.. XD