Author Topic: Xbox 360 HDMI help  (Read 423 times)

So i use a Samsung SyncMaster 2493hm to play games in my room. The other day, I had a friend over. I moved the monitor into the living room so me and her could play on my xbox 360 out there. After half an hour of trying everything I could, I finally got the monitor to show the picture. I don't know why it randomly decided to show the picture. I use the same HDMI cable for my Ps3 and I get no problems.

Now heres the kicker. I moved the Xbox into my room, along with the monitor. I made no changes to settings, i only unplugged the cords and plugged them back in.

It wont work.

I have spent the last hour trying everything to get it to work but No solutions online help. Could someone help me? This is really starting to piss me off.

With the Xbox, a change in resolution or refresh rate will usually cause it to stop showing any video until you fiddle around with it for a while. It took me about an hour of restarting and changing inputs last time it happened.