Author Topic: Amir - The YOLO kind of stupid.  (Read 5390 times)

Oh you silly goose. It's shift + p
Oh my lord... did you even read the OP?

Yeah amir is kinda weird and he can get annoying. Not the most mature of the BL playerbase.

Amir messaged me yesterday saying he's "quitting" my basketball tournament. His team has been out of it for 2 weeks because they lost first round and he didnt show up. I countinued to tell him he has already been out, but he kept insisting that he was quitting. A drunk person would have made more sense than him. He's a loving stubborn idiot that makes no sense and should be ignored.

Amir messaged me yesterday saying he's "quitting" my basketball tournament. His team has been out of it for 2 weeks because they lost first round and he didnt show up. I countinued to tell him he has already been out, but he kept insisting that he was quitting. A drunk person would have made more sense than him. He's a loving stubborn idiot that makes no sense and should be ignored.
Somehow this makes some psychic sense to me.

Amir has presumably just entered puberty. This must be a very confusing and difficult time for him.

Ever had one of those "If I was dead, you would be sorry!" moments with your parents and then felt like a complete idiot afterwards? That's what he's doing here.

He seems to be convinced that you actually care about him and now he's trying to put you on some kind of guilt trip for not tolerating his stuff. He also seems to think he's in charge in the first place - blatantly making the assumption that the match wouldn't even go ahead if he was not there.

If you did actually accept his "IM QUITIGGN!1!" message in the first place, he wouldn't know what to do because nobody's ever tried that route with him before. He'd probably panic, say thank-you, turn his computer off and run into a wall.

Sorry about your unfair basketball loss, by the way. I've been there.

Alt+Print Screen.
It'll automatically take over Blockland if you activated the window before doing it.

Amir is a huge idiot. I even had my run-in with him before.
That doesn't work in fullscreen and playing games windowed is stupid.

That doesn't work in fullscreen and playing games windowed is stupid.

I change my name.
Then I talk to Amir about Ravencroft's Basketball Tourney championship game.

He notices my name.

Commence apestuff.
He told me to change my name back. Sonokido is simply TheKid in Japanese. I tell him that this is not his account.
He says "I don't care. I'm deleting you on RTB."
And I facepalm.
He also says he's dropping our basketball team. Seriously, get on the forums.
I tell him we lost in the first round.
He doesn't care. What the forget.
Then removes me.

How do I take pictures while on RTB?
I don't get it, why was Amir upset that your name was Sonokido?
You really need to explain more.

I don't get it, why was Amir upset that your name was Sonokido?
You really need to explain more.

There's nothing more to explain, read the comments and opinions on Amir. He's something like 13. He can be foolish and childish and unpredictable. He's not neccisarily helpfull unless you have someone to slap him around and point him in the right direction (he's good at TDMs and deathmatches, everything else he's pretty average)

I've known Amir for maybe a year. This is just who he is lol. He lacks a serious side. We've had serious conversations in private about his life, but when it comes to discussing someone else... He doesn't necessarily lack the maturity or patience, but he just can't seem to do it, in some strange way.

He's an interesting character. He knows how to play well, just not socialize I suppose lol

There's nothing more to explain, read the comments and opinions on Amir. He's something like 13. He can be foolish and childish and unpredictable. He's not neccisarily helpfull unless you have someone to slap him around and point him in the right direction (he's good at TDMs and deathmatches, everything else he's pretty average)

I've known Amir for maybe a year. This is just who he is lol. He lacks a serious side. We've had serious conversations in private about his life, but when it comes to discussing someone else... He doesn't necessarily lack the maturity or patience, but he just can't seem to do it, in some strange way.

He's an interesting character. He knows how to play well, just not socialize I suppose lol
I get that, but what did your name have to do with it?
I've never read the basketball torunament topic and don't plan too (nor have I ever been on Raven's server), in case you're referring to something that happened in there.

He's something like 13. He can be foolish and childish and unpredictable.

Bah forget you.

Dammit, Kid your name is hard to teleport you with. :c
It is more creative than "TheKid" though.