Author Topic: Packer's Downtime [3ds max?]  (Read 1089 times)

So randomly decided to work on something because I haven't in a looong time. Still got things to fix and what not, don't ask when I'll be releasing because I don't know. I've gotten it in game and doing some basic things, for some reason collision is an issue and I've been out of the loop so long I'm wondering if its due to the new level. I hope to get it firing, so I just need to do a bit of research on such mechanics.

Does anyone have a link to a working DTS exporter that is the correct version for Blockland / correct DTS version? And while on that subject what version of 3ds max is used, I believe its 2009 but I cannot remember.

Also does anyone have and good information or link to getting turrets mounted to vehicles?

mounted? look at the tank

mounted? look at the tank
Marble is right.
Badspot or whoever made the tank commented quite good in the code of the default Tank add-on.
Though it is only the code part of the mounting turrets.

Also, welcome back Packer. :)

This is great! I love your models, it's nice to see you back and at it again.