Author Topic: Air Treks (motorized roller blades)  (Read 727 times)

So I just started watching Air Gear and I was thinking it would be pretty cool to have some sort of motorized roller blade add-on in Blockland. So here's what I was thinking:

-Similar to skis, an item which you can put on and take off
-I'd like them to have some drift but probably minimal
-gradual acceleration also like skis, but have a faster starting speed, so for example, instead of starting at maybe like 0 velocity when you press the forward, you'd start off at like 10 or something and accelerate from there, hopefully that makes sense
-key controls as opposed to mouse control
-Gradual turn speed, I was thinking maybe the longer someone holds down the key to turn, the faster they will turn, with a turn speed cap of course, so it would allow for small adjustment turns to sharp u-turns
-ability to jump while wearing them, like maybe 3-4 blocks high, I'd also like it to be realistic in that you can't adjust your velocity or trajectory in mid-air, but maybe the position of your body so you could set yourself up for a turn while in the air
-custom animation possibly (this would probably be more of an "if you feel like making it and have the time" sort of thing)
-custom model (once again an "if you feel like making it and have the time" sort of thing) personally I don't really even care if there's a model, I'm more concerned with function than structure, but if someone feels like making a model I'd just ask that it's simple and actually resembles roller blades, hell, you could just add a few wheels to the bottom of the player's feet and I'd be satisfied lol
-I think I'd like a similar collision system to the skis, it'd be nice if it could be made in a way in which tiny changes in brick height wouldn't affect the ride, so like it could go from it's current height up to 1 brick higher without the ride being hindered, but anything higher than that would count as a collision and the player would wipe out
-Also, concerning collision, it would be nice if it was harder for you to lose your balance on the roller skates than like on the skis, especially when landing after going of jumps and the like

If someone did decide to make this, besides being overjoyed, I wouldn't expect it to have everything on this list, this is just sort of a culmination of my brainstorming so far, although I might like to have all of these, if someone else takes their time to make it I'm not going to complain if it isn't quite how I imagined it lol. Also, I'm no coder, I don't have a full grasp about how things work in Blockland in relation to coding, and I'm not quite sure how practical all of these ideas are, so please don't mock/rage at me because of my lack of knowledge and experience in these fields. I may edit or add ideas if I think of anything else, also feel free to make suggestions of your own, thanks for taking your time to read this, hopefully you guys like this idea too!