Author Topic: Message broadcasting thingy  (Read 413 times)

Okay, so, I was wondering if there was an add-on that could allow users (in my case, team captains) to broadcast messages through the team chat. I need this because of a gamemode I call "The Great War Across Scandinavia,", it's basically just a gamemode where two teams, the Faroese and the Swedish, have to race across the map, and try to capture each other's point. The map is going to be HUGE, and there are going to be multiple points scattered all across the map, that's why I need the team to be updated, no, not just when a point is captured, but when a person from one of the opposite teams enters the other person's base. I know I could just use team events, but I want the users to be able to handle the mission themselves, and not have any help from the map. So, back to my question, is there an add-on that allows exactly what I said? I really need it.

So you basically want teamchat announcements?

Why won't normal teamchat work?

Why won't normal teamchat work?
Wait, I never thought of that. But is there a way to make it so that in one area a team had to use teamchat, and in another they could chat globally?