Author Topic: Practice Living Room  (Read 882 times)

trying to become better at building n' stuff

here it is

constructive criticism please

you can rate

For a living room, it's pretty nice, but the lack of an exterior detracts from its aesthetics.

like seriously I can't tell how good this looks with it being open like that. it looks bad from a general perspective but when I look at just the details I'm like "well there's nothing exceptionally wrong with that" so
you should add a ceiling and two more walls

also the floor is boring

•Picture Frame: If you're going to include a picture/picture frame, don't use prints, make a legitimate picture (I recommend using vertical print bricks)

•Vase: Your vase doesn't look like a vase, it looks like a weird rainbow water bottle, and it's overall just bad color choice. I can see you meant for blue water, green stem and red ??? but get away from that: do a light gray, dried green and then something different from your wall (ex: purple, yellow, darker green, dark blue, etc)

•Table?: Your nightstand/table is too tall and the legs are ugly. typically, the table should always be 1 plate lower than the top of the couch's armrest (that's my rule of thumb anyways.) The legs look incredibly thick, and then the top is just a dull plate. To put this into perspective, take the chassis of a hummer, and then put a smart car body on it. If you're having trouble visualizing that, lemme summarize: it looks bad and doesn't work

•TV Stand: your TV stand's colors are too contrasting, you've got a darkish brown with a tan. Rule of thumb for furniture is stay within 3 blocks up & down. Aka black 4/5/6, brown 2/3/4, or red 5/6/7, etc etc

•TV: THIS ONE WILL BE KINDA LONG  I don't know where you get the idea that TVs have two giant buttons anywhere on them, but they don't. Because yours is modeled to look like a flatscreen, I'm going with that in mind: all controls are in the center, and are typically covered by a rotating panel that lifts away to reveal them. Even then, buttons are simply too small to include them all, and you're better off not bothering.
Then there's the TV itself... lol. What to say. For starters, I'll bet my left nut that, the back of that TV, is not covered, and so you could be 'watching' TV from either side. BAD. bad bad bad. Vertical plates are your friend. Like, your BEST friend. Use plates for the screen, use plates for the sides of the TV, use plates for the back panel of the TV (I recommend using small ramps and then bricks on the back, as this is where TVs usually have all of their processing power.) TVs really don't have those itty bitty stands that people keep giving them (your 2x1 plate), and it kinda just looks silly. TVs do have stands, yes, and maybe some older models are lifted like that, but as someone who's family owns a 16" plasma screen, I can safely say: it's not lifted, because it weighs >100lbs. I'll see about getting you an image via imgur, but really, just lose the stand, it makes any TV look silly.

•Flooring: The flooring isn't BAADD... but it's bland. If you're going for a carpet look, don't use plate print bricks. If you're going for wood, use plate print bricks, because wood SHOULD be smooth and you can create intricate designs with the color of it. Overall not the biggest concern

•Walls: fairly good wall height, but the size division could use a little bit of work. I've never been inside a building where the guard / base of it was large enough to go up to my waistline, but rather my ankle, or my knee in rare occurrences. That said, I like what you have going on, just make it shorter and make the red walls taller. Also: wall trim is your friend too, top AND bottom!

•Couch: Ohhh the couch... <- that topic has a fairly good example of a couch, and yours isn't too far off really, but it kind of just conveys the wrong feeling with the bottom and whatnot... Also, have you ever been under a couch? A little spacious looking in your image, MAYBE just one plate tall...

Overall: pretty average to what I see, but I'm glad you're actively trying to improve. Hopefully I've given some helpful advice

The cracks in the walls look strange, and the floor is boring, that's all I could find wrong.

« Last Edit: February 17, 2014, 12:30:20 PM by Yin Yang »

Dammit Yang now I want to go watch that show.
oh yes that show was the real deal