Author Topic: I can't change my avatar?  (Read 465 times)

Alright, so I'm trying to change my avatar back to a different one, except I can't? What happens every time is I click choose file, select the picture I want, and press OK. Once I press change profile, nothing happens. Any suggestions?

I really don't want to be stuck with the old guy goin nuts the first time he tries weed picture.

It looks like a black army soldier on the phone for me.

did you ctrl + F5?

I think I had a similar problem for a little bit. It kept telling me something like the file was too big, which is probably wrong considering what my icon is and what dimensions it has. I just had to keep tweaking it to lower the file size without shrinking it too much before it would finally go through. :s

why would you want to change that

oh stuff the picture changed?? wtf it's still an old guy for me. I guess i'll keep refreshing haha. thanks a ton
