
Would you want to rule the world?

Voter is lame.

Author Topic: If you ruled the world...  (Read 998 times)


I would kill everyone except like really smart people. Of course I would force them to create a machine and plug my conscious into that

what if they secretly plotted to make the machine defect, and destroy it after you uploaded your conscious into it?

right hand man is jairo

execute emo freak

I would kill everybody
including my right hand man
and myself

implying i need a right hand man lol

Executed First: Satan from Wreck-it-Ralph
is this because i said you're boring

right hand man: Steve5451
executed first: Brickitect

right hand man: Kingdaro
executed first: the entire drama board.

right hand man: ghost_man
executed: ghost_man

Right hand men are axolotl and lizzy
First executed is kompresser to avenge the bedroom

the COUNCIL would be all of my friends.
publicly execute facedavid and flatflyer. make them fight to the death.

oh boy

you have no idea how many people would die and how many things would get burned down under my watch

hail your supreme demonic overlord

anyway, probably someone like Destroyer because he is awesome

also, furdle is dead