There has been a bit of debate over this game recently, so I might as well share my two bits.
I've been playing this game for 4 years now. This is my 3rd favorite game of all time. Why? It's like playing with legos on the internet. That is the only reason I have. I'm surprised that I've been playing for this long, thinking I would get bored with it after a few weeks.
Now you guys are an insane bunch. Even though a number of you guys are bums, you make this game's community diverse. You've guys made me almost piss myself in laughter a number of times and pissed me off a number of times. I haven't seen an community like this before, and it what makes me come back and keep playing.
Blockland forever and ever, Blockland for a hundred years, a hundred years Blockland. rick and morty reference woo
Thanks bros and based Badspot for probably the most memorable video game experience ever