Author Topic: This game and you guys are amazing  (Read 706 times)


There has been a bit of debate over this game recently, so I might as well share my two bits.

I've been playing this game for 4 years now. This is my 3rd favorite game of all time. Why? It's like playing with legos on the internet. That is the only reason I have. I'm surprised that I've been playing for this long, thinking I would get bored with it after a few weeks.

Now you guys are an insane bunch. Even though a number of you guys are bums, you make this game's community diverse. You've guys made me almost piss myself in laughter a number of times and pissed me off a number of times. I haven't seen an community like this before, and it what makes me come back and keep playing.

Blockland forever and ever, Blockland for a hundred years, a hundred years Blockland. rick and morty reference woo

Thanks bros and based Badspot for probably the most memorable video game experience ever
« Last Edit: August 27, 2014, 11:54:14 PM by |Orange| »

Good to see someone who likes to look back on history

yeah this place is really weird

sometimes you'll have the time of your life here and other days you just want to quit but wont cause you love the community deep down, no matter how much of an ass most of them act to you.

I love the community here. I tend to be an starfish but I dont mean to be.
I haven't played blockland in over a month. Im sure if I ever end up uninstalling blockland, I will forever be with this community.

i dont come here for the community
i just come here to learn stuff and get compliments from people in the pictures thread

Haha yeah I like this game to

Seeing as I've played over 3000 hours...