Author Topic: Keybind html tags for events.  (Read 633 times)

This would allow you to make an event that tells you what key a keybind is set to.

Here is an example:
Press <key:Jump> to jump.
Would turn into:
Press SPACE to jump.
if you have binded jump to space. If it is binded to some other key, like left shift, it would say LSHIFT instead etc.

Here is another example:
Press <key:Forward> <key:Strafe Left> <key:Backward> <key:Strafe Right> to move.
Would turn into:
Press W A S D to move.

Press <key:This Does Not Exist>!.
Because the player doesn't have a bindable control called "This Does Not Exist", this would turn into:
Press !
The same would happen if the player DOES have a bindable control called this, but it's simply not bounded to anything.

This would be awesome, as people may have different keys binded to different controls and you need events to tell them what to press to do something.

I want to say this existed, but I'm not entirely sure.
I remember using it before.

I want to say this existed, but I'm not entirely sure.
I remember using it before.
I remember it was for chat but it would've made sense for it to work in events as well. Right?