Author Topic: Should Valve start enforcing TRCs?  (Read 1471 times)

as long as they don't end up restricting smaller developers somehow

Valve doesn't have any TRCs whatsoever, except for how you can use Steamworks/VAC. Games/Mods are only removed from the store if they garner enough bad user feedback and refund demands, or if Valve decides (based on conditions which are not made clear anywhere on the site) that the content "reflects badly on them".

I wish all retailers enforced TRC's like this, but this isn't a perfect world, so I really can't hope for it.

I doubt Steam would do this, but if they did implement something even remotely similar to this, like 90% of the joke/stuff/intentionally stuff games from greenlight, early access, etc, would be wiped clean off the face of the store page.

I doubt Steam would do this, but if they did implement something even remotely similar to this, like 90% of the joke/stuff/intentionally stuff games from greenlight, early access, etc, would be wiped clean off the face of the store page.
A man can dream though...a man can dream.

as long as they don't end up restricting smaller developers somehow
I would love if "smaller developers" were restricted from releasing their stuffty one week of work games that somehow manage to get through greenlight

They should, but they won't.

I'm pretty sure that even the administration here has at least SOME quality control on the addons posted here.

After that slaughtering grounds fiasco, any sort of quality control would shape up steam's store page. It's agonizing to wade through dozens of stuffty games to find something decent and playable.

I would love if "smaller developers" were restricted from releasing their stuffty one week of work games that somehow manage to get through greenlight
uh ok

there are legitimately talented developers that could be potentially hurt if the hurdles are too high. you have to find a happy medium that successfully separates the poopy from the rest, and i can imagine that's a difficult thing to do, not that i know much about this practice

there are legitimately talented developers that could be potentially hurt if the hurdles are too high.
They're going to be hurt if we force them to have FoV options, exit game buttons and ensure the game doesn't stutter like crazy?

TRCs are supposed to ensure consistent quality among developers, and it loving annoys me how many indie developers don't even know what TRCs are and don't seem to care.

yeah those are reasonable things. i can't think of any examples off the top of my head but i could imagine the possibility of requirements that are more difficult for smaller devs to meet

ofc that's something that would be kept in mind when making something like this anyway. i'm defo not against the idea, it's just something to consider

you should also be instant out if you use unity and leave the material/shader settings at default

you should also be instant out if you use unity and leave the material/shader settings at default
Same goes for the default physics settings, leading to the dreaded "floaty" game.