Author Topic: Finish the sentence v3  (Read 622 times)

copy+paste from this

You can ignore the useless crap that is slashed out below

Finish the sentence is a game that once I start it... someone else has to add only FOUR words (TRUST ME IT'LL TURN INTO A DISASTER IF NOT FOLLOWED), if not, I'll start it over. To finish it, it has to make grammatical (not logical) sense, if it does, then add a period . or a exclamation mark ! . Please try to keep it moderately clean, no dirty brown town or snake jokes, thank you!

Example: Person 1 "THIS" Person 2 "IS" Person 3 "gaben. .... (Ended sentence. [start over])
             Person 1 "Phil" Person 2 "phishy"     etc.

Starting word: Electrk

is where 9/11 happened

and we just broke all the rules gg.