Author Topic: Cappy's Super Spectacular Survival Soirée  (Read 801 times)

So I voiced the idea of having a whitelisted survival minecraft server in the Minecraft thread, but after no real response from anybody regarding setting one up, I decided to do it myself. The server has minimal plugins (Lockette just in case and Essentials) and the only real "catch" is that there are two game worlds, one that anybody can access and one that is "whitelisted" in that an admin must tp you in. This is done to hopefully filter out most griefers from the dedicated players, as approved and dedicated players will be able to go into the private world where there is very little griefing to fear.

1. Don't be a richard. This is intentionally a blanket rule because it covers all sorts of richardery that has happened on prior servers
2. Don't use exploits. This includes but is not limited to: crashing the server and stealing from locked containers/glitching through locked doors
3. Don't kill other people unless you have a good reason. Random pvp is grounds for a ban
4. This may reiterate the first rule a bit, but no griefing. See the "Things that are griefing" section of this post.
5. No using mods that give you an inherent advantage over a "vanilla" player. This does not include minimap/waypoint mods.
6. You may ask an admin to be moved to the "trusted" world, but asking excessively will get you muted.
7. Don't ask for Op, you're not going to get it.


Things I Consider Griefing
Cutting down forests without replanting them, leaving floating leaves, pouring water/lava everywhere, destroying the map randomly, hiding a jukebox or a large number of animals to make annoying noises with the intent of pissing people off, and any other richardery that is intended to make a mess or piss someone off. Playing pranks is acceptable as long as they do not cause destruction to property or kill another player.

Myself and Alyx Vance are the staff as of right now.

Screenshots/Featured Builds
Screenshots/featured builds by players will go here. If you'd like your build here, just ask us in-game.

We've got a skelly XP farm going now in the second world

how long will the server be up until it shuts down forever

how long will the server be up until it shuts down forever
As long as people play on it

more people should totally play
if not and you're gonna close the server
just slide me a download B))

more people should totally play
if not and you're gonna close the server
just slide me a download B))
I'll slide u mroe than a dl bb :^)

Bump because it's lonely on here, come and join me.

Double post but I don't care.

After Kyro joined me and Office, I began making the place into a small town.

If this server stays open, I accidentally lit a trap and created a giant cave. I might use it to create an underground city.