Author Topic: Josua184, Admin Begger  (Read 2455 times)

/nosupport for either side
because one side is a beggar, and another's a starfish.

/nosupport for either side
because one side is a beggar, and another's a starfish.

Mmmh. I think when they reply to his high BL_ID it is to estimate and generalize how new he is to Blockland, and also how new he is to Mini Empires.

It's less of a "Oh you're a high BL_ID, you must be stupid" but is more like "Oh you're likely new, yeah you're not going to be an administrator."

It just one of those things in Blockland a person will use to get a generalization and gage how hes going to act. Sometimes new people are completely helpful and interesting, other times they seem odd and silly.

green arn't you that guy from blackwatch's who made a nation instantly and whenever you got attacked youd leave mid battle and refuse to ever come onto the server if the person who attacked you was online?

Everyone starts with godmodding and me, ive changed a bit, a lot of the old merpers seem to hate me though
Also i tottally agree on the ID thing, i sounded like a massive starfish, what i should of said is "We dont need a beggar as an admin" so yeah, sorry about sounding ID-est, im normally not.


never knew there was a [Super] and [Host] prefix on usernames though


never knew there was a [Super] and [Host] prefix on usernames though
It requires a custom add-on. And I am sad that nobody noticed my photoshop picture. :'c

Everyone starts with godmodding and me, ive changed a bit, a lot of the old merpers seem to hate me though
Also i tottally agree on the ID thing, i sounded like a massive starfish, what i should of said is "We dont need a beggar as an admin" so yeah, sorry about sounding ID-est, im normally not.

Everyone starts with godmodding and me, ive changed a bit, a lot of the old merpers seem to hate me though
Also i tottally agree on the ID thing, i sounded like a massive starfish, what i should of said is "We dont need a beggar as an admin" so yeah, sorry about sounding ID-est, im normally not.

i'm glad you apologized. /support now

 "a lot of the old merpers seem to hate me though"
you pull a lot of richardish moves a real empire would probably never accomplish, i know some people who would like to beat your skull in at merp if you played normally for once

Oh? I'd be glad to know what those are, so i can stop doing them in the future, and if they want to play me on a real MERP where im being Serious, try Laneers, Britania is always ready for a fight >:D

mute/kick/ban and forget. no need for a drama over this.