Author Topic: People keep asking me if I'm dead or in jail  (Read 8938 times)

I think it's more along the lines shooting back at someone shooting you. Planr was acting all "hah, in hindsight, i'm totally right! and you were wrong!".
to be fair, I never read that post, and Planr probably didn't either. he likely just posted and responded to what came afterward.

XR real talk if a girl is willing to cheat with you she's willing to cheat on you.

edit: nm i read though the topic and this has been addressed many times
« Last Edit: September 13, 2017, 09:54:10 PM by Steve5451² »

Oh hey, never noticed that you left for a bit.

I feel sorry for you, was there a reason she dumped you over a guy he just met?
Wasn't a guy she just met. Was a guy who left and came back.

« Last Edit: September 14, 2017, 08:03:18 PM by Mr Unicode »

my dad spent 18 months in afghanistan with the only gunfire being from some rando
pretty much all of his friends that i've talked to about things like this have said the same. it's both unlikely to see action and even more unlikely for anybody to die in it
sure, but you're definitely making the choice that you take that risk.

First of all I dont know why you would EVER move in with someone after dating them for a few weeks. It's not that surprising that she made the decision to dump you pretty quickly, it seems like this kind of behavior is typical for her. Also I understand that you're upset but saying you're happy this guy got re deployed and you hope he gets shot is pretty immature and you shouldn't even give him the power to make you feel like that. One day you're going to be super grateful that this didn't work out and that you didn't end up wasting too much time on this relationship. You're still young and you still have so many things to experience that will all make this girl irrelevant. It's hard to accept now but from my experiemcr one day you just wake up and you're not hurting anymore. And eventually there will be days where you don't even think about her at all. Sorry to hear that this all happened though. I'm relieved to hear you're hanging in there.

hey bubba want to date and move into my apartment i love you

one would hope she has better taste than that red

hopefully he gets shot so full of holes that he can stand-in for a chain link fence.

< get mistreated by a woman
< blame the man and wish death on him

Why are 90% of all dudes like this lol? The guy probably doesn't even know or care you exist. Even if he did, she chose him, so he got the girl fair and square. His problem now. Tbh if this terrible attitude carried over into your relationship, I'm not surprised she dumped you.

hey bubba want to date and move into my apartment i love you
i come home and take her away
sux for you dude.......