Author Topic: Color Schemes for Maintenance, Civilian, and Administration.  (Read 412 times)

I want to make a space station.  And I'm wondering what some good color schemes are for the walls/uniforms in the different sections of the station.
There are three different sections.
Utility/Maintenance - These guys fix the station when something goes wrong.  If they don't, everyone dies.
Administration - This includes guards, medical officers, etc.  They support the people themselves.
Civilian - They live here.

Any number of different color schemes is fine.  The galactic federation isn't the only group out there.

Utility/Maintenance: Yellow or orange
Administration: Blue
Civilian: Green or white

This kinda sounds good to me.

LeetZero is pretty correct. On my spaceships, I've always color-coded the doors. Here's a list of my recommendations as follows:

  • Airlocks/Ship Exits: Black
  • Quarters: Green
  • Science/Medical: White
  • Security/Weapons: Dark Green
  • Command/Bridge/Control Room: Dark Blue
  • Bathrooms: Light Blue
  • Hallway/Non-Specific Door: Gray
  • Engineering/Maintenance: Yellow
  • Recreation: Pink/Purple
  • Operations/Intelligence: Orange
  • Utility/Cargo Bays: Brown

utility: orange
administration: red
civilian: GREY