Author Topic: Shift Key  (Read 646 times)

Whilst playing a game, I accidentally hit a/some keys and it seems to have changed what pressing the left and right arrows do when typing - Usually they would just change the place of the text marker, but now it highlights each key as I move. If I press shift then the problem does not occur (so it seems like it's reversed the function), but it's really quite annoying.

I've tried resetting the controls but it hasn't changed anything, so if you can please help!

Two potential causes.

1. You've enabled stickykeys. This is completely unrelated to Blockland. It's a Windows 'feature'. Control Panel > Accessibility > Disable sticky keys, then, as further steps, go into each of the 'accessibility feature's settings, and disable all the shortcuts.

2. Shift is 'permapressed' in Blockland. This could happen from lag, or alt tabbing or clicking off screen while shift is held. Cancelled by just hitting shift again. This isn't a bug specific to Blockland either. When you find typing in anything isn't working quite right, just tap shift, ctrl, and alt. Usually resets them.

Thanks, but this problem has been occurring for the past few days, with the issue still there when I restart Blockland.

Does it also happen outside of Blockland?

Are you on a laptop with thumbprint perhaps?
Can you see in your device manager if there are any yellow triangles?

Sadly, no, this only occurs in Blockland - There are no yellow triangles nor do I have sticky keys enabled.
Thanks for your help though

This usually happens when you accidently hit the insert button while typing

If this is a constant issue, try toggling scroll lock on the keyboard